Dear St John Paul II Families,
As a school community, St John Paul II will be organizing a Wall of Fame of distinguished Black Leaders who have impacted their communities over the years. The students will be involved in a backward research approach to guess who the distinguished individuals are. Each day commencing on February 4th until February 27th they will be given a set of clues to one of sixteen chosen black individuals. The students will be asked to identify the individual based on the clues. The clues will later be displayed on our Wall of Fame hallway. At the end of our event their identity will be revealed using the use of QR codes. As a community you may also follow us on Twitter @sjp2_ycdsb where we will be tweeting the daily clues. Please check our website to download the form to assist you with the clue dates of the influential Black Leaders. We are encouraging you to sign up and turn on your notifications in order to follow us on Twitter. If you send us a “comment”, a “like” or a “re-tweet” your name will be entered to win SJPII Spirit wear. Good Luck and Happy Tweeting!
Thank you for your continued support,
S. Romano