February Newsletter
Dear St John Paul II Families,
Our February newsletter is now available on our website…click PARENTS>NEWSLETTERS
Dear St John Paul II Families,
Our February newsletter is now available on our website…click PARENTS>NEWSLETTERS
Dear St John Paul II Families,
This year Family Day will be celebrated on Monday February 17th, 2020. There are no scheduled lessons planned for students on that day. Classes will resume on Tuesday February 18th. Enjoy the long weekend with your families!!
Dear St John Paul II Families,
News from the French Department: The annual Carnaval de St.John Paul II is almost upon us. We are busy planning some exciting activities to celebrate the French culture and embrace our winter weather. This year Carnaval week will run from Monday February 10th, to Friday February 14th. Please follow us on Twitter @sjp2_ycdsb. Vive le Carnaval! ... Continue reading "Carnaval Week @ St John Paul II"
Dear St John Paul II Families,
Please join us on Thursday February 6th as we welcome Earth Rangers. The presentation of rehabilitated animals will take place in our Gym A and will begin at 12:45pm. All SJPII family members are welcome to attend.
Dear St John Paul II Families,
This is a reminder that our next Catholic School Council meeting will take place on Wednesday February 12th in our staffroom. The meeting will begin promptly at 7:00pm. All SJPII family members are welcome to attend.
Dear St John Paul II Families,
This is a reminder that Friday January 31st is designated as a PA Day. There are no scheduled lessons for students. Classes will resume on Monday February 3rd. Enjoy the long weekend!