RHFB Drive
Dear St John Paul II Families,
A BIG THANK YOU and SHOUT OUT to our wonderful, thoughtful and considerate community for all their donations towards the Richmond Hill Food Bank.
Dear St John Paul II Families,
A BIG THANK YOU and SHOUT OUT to our wonderful, thoughtful and considerate community for all their donations towards the Richmond Hill Food Bank.
Dear St John Paul II Families,
Please join us on Thursday October 20 for our CSC meeting. The meeting will take place in our staffroom and will begin promptly at 7:00pm. All SJPII family members are welcome to attend.
Dear St John Paul II Families,
Friday October 21 has been designated as a PA Day. There are no scheduled lessons for students. Classes will resume on Monday October 24. Enjoy the long weekend!
Dear St John Paul II Families,
Please join us on Thursday October 13 as we welcome Fr Mark in celebration of our Thanksgiving mass. The celebration will take place in Gym A and will begin at 9:00am. We would also like to thank Ms Palmeri’s Grade Ones and Ms Howaidi’s Grade Ones and Twos for leading us in prayer. All SJPII family members ... Continue reading "Thanksgiving Mass Oct 13"
Dear St John Paul II Families,
This year we will be celebrating Thanksgiving on Monday October 10. There are no lessons scheduled for students on that day. Classes will resume on Tuesday October 11.
On behalf of the St John Paul II staff, we wish you a blessed and happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy time with your loved ones!!
Dear St John Paul II Families,
This is a reminder that Friday, October 7 will be our first Spirit Day. Students have the option of wearing their spiritwear or any colour that closely resembles our school colours. Blue uniform bottoms are in effect. This is not a Civvies Day. Spirit Day is always optional.
GO LIONS GO!! ... Continue reading "Spirit Day"