Dear St John Paul II Families,
Join me in welcoming YouthSpeak to SJPII on Friday May 6. The speakers will be addressing Inclusivity among our Primary, Junior and Intermediate students.
Dear St John Paul II Families,
Join me in welcoming YouthSpeak to SJPII on Friday May 6. The speakers will be addressing Inclusivity among our Primary, Junior and Intermediate students.
Dear St John Paul II Families,
Please join me in welcoming back Storyteller Kesha Christie. Kesha will be speaking and retelling stories to our Kindergarten students on Thursday May 5.
Welcome back Kesha!
Dear St John Paul II Families,
Please join us on Tuesday April 26 at 9:00am for our Easter Mass. The celebration will take place with Fr Mark in Gym A. All SJPII community members are welcome to attend.
Dear St John Paul II Families,
Easter is the most important Holy day in the Christian calendar. The Resurrection of Christ is the core event of our Catholic faith. It is the Resurrection that reminds us that each student in our care and each person we encounter, is a child of God. We celebrate the God of life who reminds us that we ... Continue reading "Easter Blessing"
Dear St John Paul II Families,
The community of St John Paul II will once again be partnering with the Richmond Hill Community Food Bank to assist families in need in our community during this season of Lent. We will be participating in a Lenten One Day Food Drive on Wednesday March 30, 2022. On Wednesday March 30, 2022, bins will be placed ... Continue reading "Lenten Food Drive Wed Mar 30"
Dear St John Paul II Families,
Please join me in welcoming Kevin Cyr, founder of BRAVE Education. Kevin will be speaking with our Grade 3/4 students on anti bullying strategies. Welcome Kevin!