Halloween Fun at SJPII!!
SJPII Creative Minds
SJPII Creative Minds
Dear St John Paul II Families,
We are re-introducing our Civvies/Giving Days at SJPII this year. As you know in the past we have dedicated the last Friday of every month as a Civvies day where the students have the option of wearing their uniform. Appropriate civvies wear is in effect. This day is also a Giving day where we ask for a ... Continue reading "ShareLife"
We are thrilled to have the multi talented Dwayne Morgan visit our Grade 8 students on Thursday October 28th. Dwayne will be speaking on such issues as gender equality, diversity and bullying. Click here. Welcome to SJPII Dwayne!
Dear St John Paul II Families,
On this feast day of St John Paul II we hope you enjoy the presentation prepared for our students today…have a look here
Dear St John Paul II Families,
Next Friday October 29th, SJPII will be having our Annual Halloween Dance Fundraiser sponsored by our Catholic School Council. This year all donations will be pledged via the CANADAHELPS website. Please see attached 2021 Halloween Fundraiser where you will find more information. You may also find information on our website. Please follow us ... Continue reading "Halloween Dance Fundraiser"
Dear St John Paul II Families,
Please click Safety Week Parent Letter for more information.