Rescheduled CSC MEET Wed Oct 20th
Dear St John Paul II Families,
Please join us on Wed Oct 20th for our rescheduled Council MEET. The MEET will begin at 7:00pm. Please click the livestream link here.
Dear St John Paul II Families,
Please join us on Wed Oct 20th for our rescheduled Council MEET. The MEET will begin at 7:00pm. Please click the livestream link here.
Dear St John Paul II Families,
This year our school photo date is Wed Oct 20th. The students will only have their individual photo taken. There will be no class photo this year as per York Public Health Safety protocols. All students are required to wear their school uniform on that day. Don’t forget to bring your smile!!
Dear St John Paul II Families,
On Wed Oct 14th SJPII along with the Richmond Hill Food Bank(RHFB)will set up bins near our school doors as well as near our Kiss and Ride for donations. This is a ONE day event. Please see attached Thanksgiving 2021 Food Drive Letter Thank you for supporting the (RHFB)
Dear St John Paul II Families,
Please join us on Wed Oct 13th at 7:00pm for our first Council meeting. The meeting will take place via Google MEET as a livestream. Please click on the link here
Dear St John Paul II Families,
This year we are celebrating Thanksgiving on Monday October 11th. There are no lessons scheduled for students on that day. Classes will resume on Tuesday October 12th. We would like to wish all our SJPII families a happy and blessed Thanksgiving day.
Dear St John Paul II Families,
As we begin to share some fundraising opportunities please see attached letter and order form for your convenience. Thank you for your continued support.