Category: General


Dear St John Paul II Families,

Please join us on Friday June 7th as we gather and celebrate our annual family BBQ. The festivities will begin at 4:30pm and include music, games, food and raffles. Please remember to send in your food orders. Looking forward to seeing many of our family members there!

Year End School Mass

Dear St John Paul II Families,

Please join us on Thursday June 6th as Father Wen and Father Mark celebrate our year end mass as a community. The celebration will take place outdoors (weather permitting) on our playground and will commence at 8:50am. Alternate location will be Gym ‘A’. All SJPII family members are welcome to attend. ... Continue reading "Year End School Mass"

PA Day

Dear St John Paul II Families,

This is a reminder that Monday June 3rd is designated as a PA Day. There are no scheduled lessons for students. Classes resume on Tuesday June 4th.

Living Rosary

Dear St John Paul II Families,

Please join us on Thursday May 30th at 9:00am as our students gather outdoors (weather permitting) on our playground in praying of the rosary. Gym ‘A’ will be our alternate location. All SJPII family members are welcome to attend.


Bike Week

Dear St John Paul II Families,

Bike to School Week is coming to SJPII! Please join us in riding your bike to school from May 27-31. Don’t forget to wear your helmet! Prizes are available all week for our riders.

CSC Meeting

Dear St John Paul II Families,

This is a reminder that there will be a CSC meeting on Wednesday May 22nd. The meeting will take place in our staffroom and will begin promptly at 7:00pm. All SJPII family members are welcome to attend.