Category: General

Happy Easter

Dear Parents/Guardians,

This is a reminder  that there will be no classes scheduled on Good Friday  April 19th and Easter Monday April 22nd. Classes will resume on Tuesday April 23rd. The staff of SJPII would like to wish all our families a happy and blessed Easter.

CSC Meeting

Please join us for our next meeting on Wednesday April 24th 2019. The meeting will take place in our staff room and will begin  promptly at 7:00pm. All SJPII family members are welcome to attend.


Stations Of The Cross

On Holy Thursday April 18th, St John Paul II students will be presenting our annual “Stations of the Cross”. This re-enactment of Jesus’ last steps will take place in our Gym “A” beginning at 10:15am. All members of St John Paul II  school community are welcome to attend.



Earth Hour

Earth News!!!

The students at SJPII have been working very hard to raise awareness about the importance of taking care of the Earth.  During the month of March, we learned about Earth Hour, a global movement organized to raise awareness about climate change.  This year, it was celebrated around the world on Saturday, March 30th from 8:30pm to 9:30pm but here at SJPII, ... Continue reading "Earth Hour"

Lent Mass

Dear St John Paul II Families,

On Thursday March 28 we will be celebrating our Lenten Mass. The Mass celebration will take place in our Gym A and will begin at 8:50am. Father Wen will be our celebrant. All St John Paul II community members are welcome to attend.