Category: General


Dear St John Paul II Families,

We are delighted to have instructors from Bully B.R.A.V.E. visit St John Paul II School on Wednesday February 20th to conduct workshops with individual classes in grades 1 – 8.  Students will learn to identify bullying behaviours, develop awareness and prevention skills, understand the role of the bystander, and practice B.R.A.V.E’s  strategies. We thank our Catholic School ... Continue reading "B.R.A.V.E"

Family Day

Dear St John Paul II Families,

This is a reminder that Monday February 18th is designated as Family Day. There are no classes scheduled for students on that day. Classes will resume on Tuesday February 19th. Enjoy your long weekend!

Report Cards

Dear St John Paul II Families,

First Term report cards will be sent home with all students in an envelope addressed to parents/guardians on Tuesday, February 19th. Interviews will be conducted upon request by the Teacher or by the Parent. When reviewing your child’s report card, please discuss the learning skills and work habits in relation to student performance and ... Continue reading "Report Cards"

PA Day

Dear St John Paul II Families,

Friday February 1st, 2019 is designated as a PA Day. Teachers will be involved in professional activities throughout the day. There are no scheduled classes for students. Classes will resume on Monday February 4th, 2019. Enjoy the long weekend!

Hockey @ St John Paul II

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are extremely excited to announce that St John Paul II  will have its first ice hockey team!  Our team will be participating in the Richmond Hill Winter Carnival Hockey Tournament against other elementary school teams. GO LIONS GO!!

CSC Meeting

Dear St John Paul II Families,

Please join us for our next meeting on Wednesday January 23rd. The meeting will take place in our staff room and will begin  promptly at 7:00pm. All SJPII family members are welcome to attend.