Category: General

NEW Clothing Drive

Dear St John Paul II Families,

Advent is upon us; as a time to prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ, we at St. John Paul II will be embracing Advent as an opportunity to put our faith into action. Over the next two weeks, starting Monday December 3rd until Friday December 14th, the Intermediate Leadership Committee will be holding a drive ... Continue reading "NEW Clothing Drive"

Crimestoppers @ SJPII

Dear St John Paul II Families,

Crime Stoppers of York Region is a partnership between York Regional Police, the community and the Local media. As part of their commitment to the continued education of our community’s youth, they will be visiting our  grade 4-8 students on Thursday November 29th. Crime Stoppers allows our youth to report information that is shared with the police ... Continue reading "Crimestoppers @ SJPII"

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Dear St John Paul II Families,

We look forward to sharing your child’s progress thus far during our parent/teacher interview times. Interviews will take place in our Gym A this year on Thursday November 22nd and the morning of Friday November 23rd. Look forward to seeing many of our SJPII community members.

PA Day

Dear St John Paul II Families,

This is a reminder that Friday November 23rd, 2018 is designated as a PA Day. Teachers will be engaged in professional activities as well as parent interviews. There are no scheduled lessons for students. Classes will resume on Monday November 26th, 2018.


Mark your Calendars! The Book Fair is coming! The Book Fair will run from November 22-30th with the first night during Parent/Teacher Interview Night. The library will be open from 3:30-8:00pm that evening! Please see attached for additional dates and times. Hope to see you there!

2018 Book Fair letter