
News Stories

Earth Hour

Earth News!!!

The students at SJPII have been working very hard to raise awareness about the importance of taking care of the Earth.  During the month of March, we learned about Earth Hour, a global movement organized to raise awareness about climate change.  This year, it was celebrated around the world on Saturday, March 30th from 8:30pm to 9:30pm but here at SJPII, ... Continue reading "Earth Hour"

Lent Mass

Dear St John Paul II Families,

On Thursday March 28 we will be celebrating our Lenten Mass. The Mass celebration will take place in our Gym A and will begin at 8:50am. Father Wen will be our celebrant. All St John Paul II community members are welcome to attend.


March Break 2019

Dear St John Paul II Families,

This is a reminder that this year March break will be Monday March 11th – Friday March 15th inclusive. There are no scheduled classes for students. Classes will resume on Monday March 18th. Have a wonderful and relaxing Spring Break!


Ash Wednesday Liturgy

Dear St John Paul II Families,

Please join us on Wednesday March 6th in our Gym A for our Ash Wednesday Prayer  Service. The service will begin at 10:30am. All St John Paul II  community members are welcome to attend.

Pink Shirt Day


Celebrated annually around the globe, Pink Shirt Day began in Canada in 2007 when two students, David Shepherd and Travis Price, took a stand against homophobic bullying after a grade 10 student was harassed and threatened for  wearing pink. David and Travis bought dozens of pink shirts and distributed them to their male classmates to wear the next day. The ... Continue reading "Pink Shirt Day"