Category: General

Junior Achievement – Gr. 4 ‘More than Money’


The Grade 4 students in Mrs. Puopolo’s and Mr. Facca’s class will be learning about financial literacy by participating in activities offered by the Junior Achievement Organization.  During the workshop “More than Money” on Feb 16th, volunteers from the local business community will engage our students in activities about:  the role of money everyday life, managing a personal bank account by making ... Continue reading "Junior Achievement – Gr. 4 ‘More than Money’"

The Underground Railroad ~ February 1st ~ Gr.2-8 Presentation

St. John Paul II CES welcomes the award-wining author and presenter, Loretta Penny, with her presentation of ‘The Underground Railroad’ for students in Grades 2-8.

Through a series of stories, Ms. Penny brings history to life – travelling along the secret network or routes, students will vicariously assume the role of a freedom seeker and gain a greater understanding of the challenges of ... Continue reading "The Underground Railroad ~ February 1st ~ Gr.2-8 Presentation"

Earth Ranger’s Presentation ~ Dec. 5th

The Earth Rangers will be coming to our school to present to the Grade 1-6 classes.  Their presentation is a 45-minute dynamic, interactive, multi-media experience that features LIVE Animal ambassadors demonstrating their natural behaviors.  They use science-based information to educate children about the importance of protecting biodiversity while highlighting different conservation initiatives across Canada.

Students will learn about the animal conservation projects Earth ... Continue reading "Earth Ranger’s Presentation ~ Dec. 5th"

Advent Celebrations

The Christmas scene, the Advent wreath, Advent celebrations, special announcements, and daily prayers, combined with the support from our parent community, are all signs that the light of Jesus shines in our hearts and is very much alive at St. John Paul II.

Advent Mass: Thursday, December 7th at 8:50 a.m.  (Gym ‘A)

We welcome Fr. Mark and we ... Continue reading "Advent Celebrations"

Humanitarian Relief for Mexico & Caribbean ~ Civvies Day Nov. 30th

Over the course of the past several weeks, hurricanes, tropical storms and violent earthquakes have devastated a number of countries in the Caribbean and Mexico.

Hurricanes Irma, Jose, Maria destroyed thousands of homes, businesses and churches and left thousands of people without water, shelter or power. Places such as Anguilla, Antigua, Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Cuba, Dominica, Florida, Puerto Rico, St. Martin and ... Continue reading "Humanitarian Relief for Mexico & Caribbean ~ Civvies Day Nov. 30th"

Anti-Bullying Week

Next week is Anti-Bullying Week. We’d like to call it Pro-Compassion Week. Our school-wide focus continues to be acting with kindness and compassion.

In September, Chris Vollum’s on-line presentation encouraged students to act with integrity. To apply their values before they post a message by checking: does it represent who they are and how they want to be known; is it kind; is ... Continue reading "Anti-Bullying Week"